Wednesday 13 May 2020

Types of arrays

What is arrays :
                              An array is collection of elements where all the elements are same data type and under the same name.
Types of arrays are

  1. One -dimensional array
  2.  Two dimensional array
  3. Multi dimensional array
  1. One -dimensional array :  It is an array in which each element is accessed by using only subscript. The only one subscript represents the positions of the  elements in the array.
Declaration of one -dimensional array
       Syntax       datatype  array- name [size];
       Example:   into marks [50]
2.  Two dimensional array: It is an array in which each element is accessed by using 2- subscripts represents the positions of the  elements in the array.
     Declaration of two- dimensional  array :
    Syntax     datatype   array- name [row -size ]                                     [ column- size];
     Example:    int a[2][3];
3.Multi dimensional array:  A multidimensional array is an array of n - dimensions . 

Wednesday 8 April 2020

What is FERA
 Foreign exchange Regulation act (FERA), was introduced in the year 1973. The act came into force,to regulate inflow and outflow of foreign currency.

  • It was approved by the parliament in 1973.
  • Currently it is not in force.
  • It had 81 sections.
  • It was implemented to regulate foreign payment and to ensure optimum use of foreign currency in India.

Monday 30 March 2020

4 Components of time series

  2. seasonal  VARIATION
  • S

Monday 16 March 2020

Trade policy meaning, types

  • Meaning of Trade policy:

                                             Trade policy refers to the regulations and agreements that control imports and export to foreign countries.

Types of Trade policy:  
  1. Free trade policy
  2. Policy of protection

  • case for  free trade policy or Advantages of free trade policy

  1. Maximisation of out put
  2. Benefits the consume's
  3. High factor incomes
  4. Meeting emergencies
  5. Promotes  international co-operation
  6. Best policy for economic development
  7. Encourages invention
  8. Develops transport and communication
  9. Wide markets
  10. Prevents monopoles
  11. Equitable distribution of resources


Sunday 26 January 2020

Kind of letter of credit

Types of letter of credit

  1. Documentary letter of credit
  2. Clean letter of credit
  3. Revocable letter of credit
  4. Irrevocable letter of credit
  5. Confirmed  letter of credit
  6. Unconfirmed  letter of  credit
  7. Fixed letter of credit
  8. Revolving letter of credit
  9. With recourse letter of credit
  10. Without letter of credit
  11. Transferable letter of credit
  12. Non Transferable letter of credit
  13. ransferable letter of credit
  14. Back to back letter of credit
  15. Red clause  letter of credit
  16. General letter of credit
  17. A Special letter of credit

Friday 27 December 2019

Early History of Banking :
                                                In olden day's , temples were used for banking  business and priests  acted as the financial agents. The great temples of  Ephesus and Delphi  were most popular banks in Greece. But when people lost faith in religion,  people hesitated to deposit the money 

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Online bases : Computer Networks Definition and Use

Online bases : Computer Networks Definition and Use: Defined A  computer network  is a set of connected computers. Computers on a network are called  nodes . The connection between computer...

Types of arrays

What is arrays :                               An array is collection of elements where all the elements are same data type and under the ...