Saturday 29 June 2019

Meaning , D/W Money Market & Capital Market

   Money Market : where the short - term        instruments  are traded  is called as                     Money Market 

  Capital Market :  where the long- term        instruments  are traded  is called as                      Capitat Market 



Friday 21 June 2019

Retailing Its Function


What is Retailing : Retail is the sale of goods to end users, not for resale, but for use and consumption by the purchaser.

Retail involves the sale of merchandise from a single point of purchase directly to a customer who intends to use that product. The single point of purchase could be a brick-and-mortar retail store, an Internet shopping website, a catalog, or even a mobile phone. 


        1.Sorting Function 

       2. Breaking Bulk

       3. Holding Stock 

       4. Additional  Services 

       5. Channel Of Communications 

       6. Transport & Advertising 

Sorting Function 

Manufacturers usually make one or a variety of products and would like to sell their entire inventory to a few buyers to reduce costs. Final consumers, in contrast, prefer a large variety of goods and services to choose from and usually buy them in small quantities. Retailers are able to balance the demands of both sides, by collection an assortment of goods from different sources, buying them in sufficiently large quantities and selling them to consumers in small 

Breaking Bulk

Breaking bulk is another function performed by retailing. The word retailing is derived from the French word retailer, meaning ‘to cut a piece off’. To reduce transportation costs, manufacturers and wholesalers typically ship large cartons of the product, which are then tailored by the retailers into smaller quantities to meet individual consumption needs.

Holding Stock

Retailers also offer the service of holding stock for the manufacturers. Retailers maintain an inventory that allows for instant availability of the product to the consumers. It helps to keep prices stable and enables the manufacturer to regulate production. Consumers can keep a small stock of products at home as they know that this can be replenished by the retailer and can save on inventory carrying costs.

Additional Services

Retailers ease the change in ownership of merchandise by providing services that make it convenient to buy and use products. Providing product guarantees, after-sales service and dealing with consumer complaints are some of the services that add value to the actual product at the retailers’ end. Retailers also offer credit and hire-purchase facilities to the customers to enable them to buy a product now and pay for it later. Retailers fill orders, promptly process, deliver and install products. Salespeople are also employed by retailers to answer queries and provide additional information about the displayed products. The display itself allows the consumer to see and test products before actual purchase. Retail essentially completes transactions with customers.

Channel of Communication

Retailers also act as the channel of communication and information between the wholesalers or suppliers and the consumers. From advertisements, salespeople and display, shoppers learn about the characteristics and features of a product or services offered. Manufacturers, in their turn, learn of sales forecasts, delivery delays, and customer complaints. The manufacturer can then modify defective or unsatisfactory merchandise and services.

Transport and Advertising Functions

Small manufacturers can use retailers to provide assistance with transport, storage, advertising and pre-payment of merchandise. This also works the other way round in case the number of retailers is small. The number of functions performed by a particular retailer has a direct relation to the percentage and volume of sales needed to cover both their costs and profits.


Retailing in india

What is barter system : barter system is an old method of exchange. Th is system has been used for centuries and long before money was invented. People exchanged services and goods for other services and goods in return. ... The value of bartering items can be negotiated with the other party.

In tradebarter (derived from baretor[1]) is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.[2]Economists distinguish barter from gift economies in many ways; barter, for example, features immediate reciprocal exchange, not delayed in time. Barter usually takes place on a bilateral basis, but may be multilateral (i.e., mediated through a trade exchange). In most developed countries, barter usually only exists parallel to monetary systems to a very limited extent. Market actors use barter as a replacement for money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis, such as when currencybecomes unstable (e.g., hyperinflationor a deflationary spiral) or simply unavailable for conducting commerce.
Economists since the times of Adam Smith (1723-1790), looking at non-specific pre-modern societies as examples, have used the inefficiency of barter to explain the emergence of money, of "the" economy, and hence of the discipline of economics itself.[3]However, ethnographic studies have shown that no present or past society has used barter without any other medium of exchange or measurement, nor have anthropologists found evidence that money emerged from barter,

These stores used to Kirana stores and mom-and-pop  kirana stores

The origins of retailing in India can be traced back to the emergence ofstores. These stores used to Kirana stores and mom-and-pop  cater to the local people. Eventually the government supported the rural retail and many indigenous franchise stores came up with the help of Khadi & Village Industries Commission. The economy began to open up in the 1980s resulting in the change of retailing. The first few companies to come up with retail chains were in textile sector, for example, Bombay Dyeing, S Kumar’s, Raymonds, etc. Later Titan launched retail showrooms in the organized retail sector. With the passage of time new entrants moved on from manufacturing to pure retailing.
Retail outlets such as Foodworld in FMCG, Planet M and Musicworld in Music, Crossword in books entered the market before 1995. Shopping malls emerged in the urban areas giving a world-class experience to the customers. Eventually hypermarkets and supermarkets emerged. The evolution of the sector includes the continuous improvement in the supply chain management, distribution channels, technology, back-end operations, etc. this would finally lead to more of consolidation, mergers and acquisitions and huge investments.

The strategic  retail analysis typically includes 

                      Following elements

Market analysis
Market size, stage of market, market competitiveness, market attractiveness, market trends
* Customer analysis
Market segmentation, demographic, geographic and psychographic profile, values and attitudes, shopping habits, brand preferences, analysis of needs and wants, media habits
* Internal analysis
Other capabilities e.g. human resource capability, technological capability, financial capability, ability to generate scale economiesor economies of scope, trade relations, reputation, positioning, past performance
* Competition analysis
Availability of substitutes, competitor's strengths and weaknesses, perceptual mapping, competitive trends
* Review of product mix
Sales per square foot, stock-turnover rates, profitability per product line
* Review of distribution channels
Lead-times between placing order and delivery, cost of distribution, cost efficiency of intermediaries

Friday 7 June 2019



A Private company has "Pvt.Ltd" at the end of its name.A Public company has "Ltd" at the end of its name.
 Minimum number of members
The minimum number of members needed to form a private company is at least 2 members.The minimum number of members needed to form a Public Company is at least 7 members.
 Maximum number of members
The Maximum number of members in a Private Company is restricted to 200.The Public Company have no restriction on a maximum number of members.
 Minimum Paid-up Capital
Private Company should have a minimum paid up capital of 1 lakh rupees.Public Company should have a minimum paid up capital of 5 lakh rupees.
 Commencement of Business
Commencement of business of a Private Company takes place immediately after getting the certificate of incorporation.A Public Company can only Commence its business after receiving a certificate of incorporation and Certificate to commencement.
 Number of Directors
A Private Company must have at least 2 directors to head and supervise the affairs of the company.A Public Company must have at least 3 directors to manage and lead the affairs of the company.
 Issue of Prospectus
A Private Company cannot issue a Prospectus. Private Company is not allowed for inviting the public for subscription of its shares.Public Company can issue a Prospectus. Public Company is free to invite public for subscription of its shares.
 Minimum Subscription
A Private Company can allot shares without waiting for the completion of minimum subscription limit.A Public Company cannot be able to allot shares before the minimum subscription of shares is completed.
 Transferability of shares
The Articles of Association of a Private Company lays restriction on transfer of the shares from one person to another person.The Public Company is free to transfer the shares of its company from one person to another.
A Private Company is obligated to have at least 2 members personally present for holding the company meeting.A Public Company is obligated to have at least 5 members personally present to constitute the meeting.
 Statutory meeting
A Private Company is not required to conduct a Statutory Meeting of the members or filing of Report to the Register of Companies.A Public Company is required to conduct a statutory Meeting and file the Report to the Register of Companies.
 Managerial remuneration
There are no restrictions on payments and remunerations offered to the directors or managers of a Private Company.There are some restrictions on payments and remunerations offered to the directors or managers and the remuneration should not exceed 11% of the net profits.


Sunday 2 June 2019

About information for debit card & credit card

 The D/w Debit card & credit card

 Advantage & Disadvantage of credit card

What Is a Debit Card?

A debit card is a payment card that deducts money directly from a consumer’s checking account to pay for a purchase. Debit cards eliminate the need to carry cash or physical checks to make purchases. In addition, debit cards, also called check cards, offer the convenience of credit cards and many of the same consumer protections when issued by major payment processors like Visa or Mastercard.

credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) to enable the cardholder to pay a merchantfor goods and services based on the cardholder's promise to the card issuer to pay them for the amounts plus the other agreed charges.[1] The card issuer (usually a bank) creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the cardholder, from which the cardholder can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance.

Advantages of a Debit Card

  • Easy to obtain. Once you open an account most institutions will issue you a debit card upon request.
  • Convenience. Purchases can be made using a chip-enabled terminal or by swiping the card rather than filling out a paper check.
  • Safety. You don't have to carry cash or a checkbook.
  • Readily accepted. When out of town (or out of the country), debit cards are usually widely accepted (make sure to tell your financial institution you’re leaving your city; to not have an interruption in service).
Disadvantages of a Debit Card
  • No grace period. Unlike a credit card, a debit card uses funds directly from your checking account. A credit card allows you to borrow funds on credit, leaving disposable cash in your account.
  • Check book balancing. Balancing your account may be difficult unless you record every debit card transaction.
  • Less protection. Most financial institutions will try and protect their customer from debit card fraud. However, a customer could potentially be liable for up to $500 on fraudulent debit card transactions compared with only $0 on credit cards. Be sure to check with your financial institution to learn the details.
  • Fees. Using your debit card for ATM transactions may be costly if the ATM is not affiliated with your institution.
  •                              "********"

Online & Traditional shopping

What is shipping :
the activity of buying goodsespecially from a store:
When Americans go shopping, they're looking for bargains.
These days many women are doing the shopping in their lunch hour.
There are 37 shopping days left to Christmas.
The goal is to improve the shopping experience for the customer.

This software will suggest products based on customers' shopping habits.

Online & Traditional  shopping

Shopping is probably one of the oldest terms used to talk about what we have all been doing over the years, if possible, eras. Then again, in ancient times, the terms that would have been used would be ‘trading’ or ‘bartering’ and probably even ‘market.’ So what has traditional shopping have to offer now that the internethas opened up a wider and more enticing market to the current consumers?
What is online shopping?
Simply put, it is any form of sale that is done over the internet. Shopping has certainly gotten a new definition since the arrival of the internet. Because of what the internet has to offer, that is, any person or company from any part of the world who is able to post and sell goodson the internet via a website is able to sell. What’s more, any consumer does not have to worry about having to find means to exchange monetary paper because not just online banking is made available, the consumer is given the option to pay through different payment methods. These days, it is even easier to find the most difficult of all products, by easily typing in the product or item that you are looking for. One doesn’t have to worry about locationbecause logistic companies are also joining the bandwagon, so to speak, and helps in making sure that their products would be available to any and all destinations in the world. In fact, there are more and more advantages and benefits to online shopping and whypeople choose to do this type of shopping over traditional shopping.

What is traditional shopping?I

magine going to a store, think of your favorite store in the nearest mall to where you live. You get into the store, slowly walking from rack to rack, checking out the display, putting a dress over your body and trying to check out your reflection on one of the nearby full-view mirrors that are placed all around the store. You move on to the next display rack, and probably make another selection and do the same thing you did earlier. This is what traditional shopping is about. Having the ability to physically choose and check out what an item or product is like, would look like, and what its features are. This is why some consumers still prefer the traditional type of shopping over online shopping because for one, it allows them to meticulously check out an item. Some consumers are not quite certain with their own size, sometimes fitting a size that would normally be bigger or smaller than their actual size. So in retrospect, while online shopping has not just numerous benefits and advantages as explained by many online consumers as well as studies and surveys, there are still conventional shoppers who like to check out the product that they are interested in buying.
Online shopping has given any and all types of consumers the ability of being able to buy anything, that is, any type of item or product, regardless of where its location is in any part of the world. What’s more, the consumer does not have to leave the confines of his house or current location to be able to own and purchase the merchandise, item, or product that he wants.
Traditional shopping still allows for more ground to the consumer in terms of being able to physically check out and even try out the merchandise that he wants.
So if you have certain peculiarities, quirks, or habits that you, as a consumer, would have, no matter what type of shopping you choose, whether you would go for online shopping or traditional shopping, the bottom line is that you would always be able to find the best means to whatever suits you in both the money factor and the need or want factor.

Types of arrays

What is arrays :                               An array is collection of elements where all the elements are same data type and under the ...