Thursday 5 December 2019


 Answer any 10 of the following :

  1. mention any four characteristics of computer?
  2.  list any four input devices ?
  3.  Define a software?
  4. Classify programming languages?
  5. Mention any four internal DOS commands?
  6. Define Desktop?
  7. Define a recycle bin?
  8. Mention the steps to open a document in MS-Word?
  9.  Give the short cut keys to                                                                                                               a)  Find & replace                                                                                                                   b) Go to in MS- Word 
  10. What is a cell and cell address?
  11. what is last row number and last column name in MS -Excel?
  12. Mention various of MS-Power point? 
Answer any three of the following:
  1. Write Brief note on printer?
  2. Explain Assembly language?
  3. Explain types of operating system?

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